Duncan Adams

Duncan Adams, США, Savannah

Биография Duncan

Duncan Adams проживает в городе Savannah, США. Родной город - Savannah, Georgia USA. Семейное положение Duncan: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: США
Город: Savannah
Родной город: Savannah, Georgia USA
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Duncan пишет о себе

My Name is Duncan. I am an Attorney and Businessman, from the Southeastern United States. I live in the coastal city of Savannah, Georgia. I am well educated with a Masters and Doctorate in Law. People consistently described me as intelligent, attractive, healthy, passionate, loyal, devoted, caring, considerate, loving, honest man with a great sense of adventure, enthusiasm, and energy for life. I am of a philanthropic, benevolent and charitable nature. I enjoy music, movies, cooking, reading, dancing, exercise/fitness, billiards, travel, the beach, water, boating, outdoors, gardening and all kind of sports. I also very much enjoy nice quiet romantic nights at home and special time with loved ones. In addition to having many side interests, I am playful, funny and humorous, clever and caring, serious, reliable, responsive and responsible, communicative, a good listener and have an unerring, kind, gentle and respectful demeanor as well as a loving, caring and compassionate heart. Most of all, I am a family-oriented hardworking man with high aspirations, goals, and objectives. I place a high value on family and friends. Anytime I am with them, I am happy. These are the times I enjoy most regardless of what we are doing. I am very much an optimist and a great believer in human spirit and live my life with passion and integrity. I have worked hard and achieved great success in my Legal Career and as a Businessman. Now it is time to settle down with my partner in marriage and have a family when we decide the time is right. I am coming to Kiev in mid to late September (September 20th through October 10th or 15th) for 3 to 4 weeks. I may travel from Kiev to some other cities for short periods of time. I have been to Ukraine many times to such cities Dnipropetrovs'k, Odessa, Kiev, Mariupol and Vinnitsya! I am knowledgeable about your country as I studied Eastern European History and have a BA degree in this. As you know, I am a lawyer and was awarded a Juris Doctorate Degree in Law from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia USA. On another note, I may buy a flat in the city center of Kiev near Khreschatyk Sreet ( in the area of the Statue of Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Independence Square). This is because I would fly in and out of your Country via KBPl and I have email, Messenger, Viber, Skype and my cell. We can communicate any way you feel comfortable. We will figure out how best to meet. I have never been to your city but would like to visit. I look forward to meeting you! Yours Truly, Duncan USA Country Code 001 - My cell/Viber + 1 912 508 7020 Skype ID: “dhadams67” Email: [email protected]


I am of a philanthropic, benevolent and charitable nature. I enjoy music, movies, cooking, reading, dancing, exercise/fitness, billiards, travel, the beach, water, boating, outdoors, gardening and all kind of sports. I also very much enjoy nice quiet romantic nights at home and special time with loved ones.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Джорджия, Savannah.

Высшее образование:


University of Georgia, Греция, Athens

Факультет: Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Статус: Студент (магистр), Очное отделение

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Emory University, Германия, München

Факультет: School of Law

Статус: Выпускник (специалист), Очное отделение

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Однофамильцы Duncan Adams


  • Adams John
  • Великобритания, Johnstone
  • 3 сентября 1961




  • Adams Nick
  • Россия, Ростов-на-Дону
  • 14 марта 2000

