Francis Baah

Francis Baah, Гана, Sekondi

Биография Francis

Francis Baah проживает в городе Sekondi, Гана. Родной город - Accra. Рожден в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Водолей. В настоящий момент Francis 27 лет, не женат.

Страна: Гана
Город: Sekondi
Родной город: Accra
Возраст: 27 лет
Дата рождения: 13 февраля 1997
Знак зодиака: Водолей, год Быка
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Francis пишет о себе

i'm a boy of good character, nice and God fearing. looking at myself, i say is by the grace of God. by His grace i have so many talent and gift such as; singing, writing life and love stories, gift such as, understanding people as well as loving and tolerating people, kindness etc. due to that i have hope and trust in Him. but i always need is mercy and forgiveness of sins. am also friendly with people. when i see people on the street begging for things, things such as; food, cloth, money etc i become uncomfortable and sad, but what can i do, i wish to help them at a spot, but sometimes it become difficult to purchases all the items at a spot.but i know that a day will come the i shall do so. because there's a saying that goes," if you are not the pencil to write someone's happiness, then be the eraser to clean someone's sadness". loving is caring. as i said am just a boy . 5 and half feet tall, chocolate in colour. my aim is to help the need.there's a saying that goes, " someone problem is not my problem, rather how to solve the problem is my problem"


interested in football, singing as well as writing motivation and love quotes.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Гана, Западная область, Sekondi.

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Однофамильцы Francis Baah






  • Baah Elisah
  • Германия, Berlin
  • 20 сентября 1992


  • Baah Petr
  • Россия, Волгоград
  • 25 ноября 1965