Traveller Hints

Traveller Hints, Австралия, Perth

Биография Traveller

Traveller Hints проживает в городе Perth, Австралия. Родной город - Melbourne. Семейное положение Traveller: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере, службе в армии.

Страна: Австралия
Город: Perth
Родной город: Melbourne
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Traveller пишет о себе

Funder travellerhints: I have visited 56 countries around the world and also lived and worked in six different ones (Sri Lanka, Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Russia and Japan). My educational background comes from Hospitality and Eco-Tourism, which gave me the wonderful opportunity to work as a chef in some of the best world’s destinations as part of global hospitality leading companies (such as Radisson Hotels, Hideaway Resorts, Voyages, Antarctic Catering & Delaware North). I have also experience with working in various different positions within the tourist industry; I spent some time on a super-yacht diving charter boat cruising the stunning Great Barrier Reef. As far as travel and further exploration goes, there is no finish line or a final destination. Trust me, there are many people who never stop travelling once they have been bitten by a travel bug and they would do anything to make travelling an essential part of their lives. It is truly like a DRUG. But a drug which causes only countless number of positive side effects. Last but not least, it can (and probably will) fundamentally change the way you see the world and yourself in it. I wouldn’t label myself anyhow as I love every kind of travelling. I am keen on diving, so far I have dived in 15 different countries and also over 100 dive sites within the Great Barrier Reef . Apart from that, I have done road trips around Europe, Asia and all around Australia & New Zealand and hiked over 28 (41 waking tracks) different types of mountains. Adventure Travel related trainings: advance open water & rescue diver, jet-ski & boat license, underwater & Nature photography, climbing, Tropical jungle & Australian outback surviving, sea serving, emergency light aircraft landing escape, aircraft and boat rescue. GPS navigation and map reading, 4WD, advance first aid, snakes & dangerous reptiles handling, bush & structure fire-fighting and emergency first response & rescue. Other Qualifications: Digital Media Graphic Designer & IT




* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Австралия, штат Западная Австралия, Perth.

Работа и карьера:


travellerhints, Австралия, Perth

Project manager

Годы работы: с 2016

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Однофамильцы Traveller Hints


  • Hints Ako
  • Эстония, Tartu (Тарту)
  • 2 октября 1987


  • Hints Anne
  • Эстония, Jõhvi (Йыхви)
  • 7 декабря


  • Hints Aurel
  • страна не указана
  • 10 ноября 1994


  • Hints Tiia
  • страна не указана
  • 7 октября 1956