Western Hospital

Western Hospital, Шри-Ланка, Colombo

Биография Western

Western Hospital проживает в городе Colombo, Шри-Ланка. Рожден в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Western 38 лет.

Страна: Шри-Ланка
Город: Colombo
Родной город:
Возраст: 38 лет
Дата рождения: 4 апреля 1987
Знак зодиака: Овен, год Кролика
Семейное положение:

Western пишет о себе

Western Hospital or WI is an institution with over 25 years experience in health care. We started off as the Lanka Medicare Company in 1984 with the aim of giving quality kidney care to the patients of Sri Lanka and beyond. I am happy to say that after so many years on, WI has kept its promise with a focus on excellent kidney care. We have now diversified into a General Hospital with our heart still being very much on Haemodialysis & Kidney Transplantation. We are proud to have been the first team to have done a Kidney Transplant (KT) in Sri Lanka in 1985. We have the longest running KT programme in the country. We have now expanded to include a variety of services. We make no pretences about being hi-tec. Our focus is on the care we give our patients backed by essential services to keep you, our valuable patients, comfortable. We have personally coached all our staff members to reflect and your feedback is valued by us.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Шри-Ланка, Западная провинция, Colombo.

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Однофамильцы Western Hospital


  • Hospital Dms
  • Россия, Санкт-Петербург
  • 25 марта 1994






  • Hospital Jwhospital
  • Вьетнам, Ho Chi Minh City
  • дата рождения не указана