Ivo Hristov

Ivo Hristov, Болгария, Sofia

Биография Ivo

Ivo Hristov проживает в городе Sofia, Болгария. Родной город - Sofia. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: Болгария
Город: Sofia
Родной город: Sofia
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
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Ivo пишет о себе

SEO specialist, Graphic Designer/ Photo and Video Editor; Copywriter SEO I present myself briefly: My name is Ivo Hristov and I work professionally as a SEO Specialist (wp and other platforms), Copywriter and Graphic Designer. I work fast and qualitatively. Portfolio. Recommendations. Offered Services: SEO: analyzes; solutions; on & off page SEO. Copywriting: creating and editing texts; SEO text; 90-100% uniqueness of all texts; easy readability, keywords, and more. Graphic design: logo design; branding; making banners and video clips; promotional materials; 3D; prepress (flyers, posters, business cards, labels, etc.) More: support for blogs, fb pages, Google Business, etc. If you hire me, I will greatly improve the SEO performance of your site. I will improve your search rankings and authority on the site. I will achieve all this like: 1. Make the necessary analyzes of the overall status of the site (this includes analyzing the speed of loading the site and problems, analyzing duplicate content, analyzing keywords and meta tags, etc.) 2. Analytics based on Google Search Console and other Google data. 3. Solve all problems: - selecting the right keywords and placing it in the text of the exact places; - solve problems with fast boot (if there is a problem with the mobile version) - editing duplicate content and achieving 90-100% uniqueness of all important text on the site; - linkbuilding (on & off page); - and others. 4.Build a working, productive, and effective blog on the site. 16 + the material per month, link building - internal and external, keywords. 5.Building an effective facebook marketing strategy based on a well-functioning facebook page and blog. Apply different marketing strategies to attract more visitors (clients). Contact: Ivo Hristov Fb: facebook.com/Avatarys Em: ivo2hristov [at] gmail


Graphic Design, SEO wp and all other platforms


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Болгария, город София, Sofia.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:

Работа и карьера:

bglaw, Болгария, Sofia

Графический дизайнер, SEO specialist, Copywriter

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Социальные сети:

Twitter  аккаунт не найден
Instagram  аккаунт не найден

Источник информации

Данная анкета получена из открытого общедоступного источника: авторизуйтесь для получения ссылки на источник

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Однофамильцы Ivo Hristov


  • Hristov Anton
  • Болгария, Blagoevgrad
  • 22 декабря 1977


  • Hristov Anton
  • страна не указана
  • 22 декабря 1977



