Stephen Joseph

Stephen Joseph, США, Detroit

Биография Stephen

Stephen Joseph проживает в городе Detroit, США. Родной город - Detroit. Семейное положение Stephen: не женат. Знак зодиака Лев.

Страна: США
Город: Detroit
Родной город: Detroit
Дата рождения: 25 июля
Знак зодиака: Лев
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Stephen пишет о себе

Im just a man with a big heart and passion for loving and living. I feel things so vividly and so extreme. I have been overpowered by emotion in the past. This quality in me is good but only when I control it. I have learned this lesson too late I fear. I lost the love of my life. She thinks Im crazy because I was for a while. I was overwhelmed with many things at once and she saw weakness in me. I was weak at that time. She showed me. I am grateful because I am stronger than steel now. I can face anything with positivity and courage. She made me perfect but she doesnt know. She wont look. I pushed her away. I only write this in hope that she will read it someday. That she will open her heart to me again. Because I know without any doubt I am ready now and her and I are perfect together. BUT, I am ready to love perfectly. To live without fear. To protect and to share all the happiness that is here for the taking. I love her, always will, but if she wont forgive, I cant show her I fixed my broken wing. I want to fly! I want to love! Im not wealthy. Dont want to be. I work and I have been too free spirited and irresponsible with money in the past but I am building a business and I have great plans!) There will always be whats needed. I will always support myself and who I love. Money is useful and necessary for comfort but I will not spend my time caring about it or needing it to be happy. Im happy all the time. For the first time in my life I know that will not change. If I end up making a lot of money then cool) If not. So what. Ill be having fun and loving every moment of life. So, lets talk!))) I love people and getting to know them. I love women)) Gods gift)) Im here, Im not married and no one is claiming me presently. Lol, Lets laugh together))


Music Fun Love People Creating Hard work Learning Being outdoors Living!!!


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Штат Мичиган, Detroit.

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Однофамильцы Stephen Joseph


  • Joseph Wany
  • США, Delray Beach
  • 12 декабря 1984





