Lance Kelly, Великобритания, Shrewsbury

Биография Lance

Lance Kelly проживает в городе Shrewsbury, Великобритания. Родной город - London.

Страна: Великобритания
Город: Shrewsbury
Родной город: London
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Lance пишет о себе

Lance Kelly is a modern day mystic whose life for over twenty five years has been directed towards a deepening realisation of the mystery of existence. Born in West London on 16th August 1959, he left school in 1975 and lived a bohemian existence in Chelsea. Aged 21 he had the opportunity to work at the St. James Club, then the most fashionable residential club in London. After three years, and many encounters with the rich and famous, it was time for him to move on from the glamorous lifestyle, even though there was an opening for a job at Pinewood film studios. There followed a radical change of life for the next ten years or so which included the sweat and toil of much hard manual labour on building sites and office installations in the capital city. This was a transformative period that eradicated much of the unconscious living that characterised the early life. From 1991 onwards an increasing inner compulsion to ‘enter the body’ became the main focus of the life. In the summer of 1992 he entered a new phase of life after a spiritual experience resulted in a shift in consciousness and the end of all that had once been valued. In 1993 he left England to travel to Australia for an international gathering with Barry Long, the Australian spiritual master whose teachings had penetrated him deeply. There were no plans to return to the UK since everything, including his home, had been lost. The idea was to travel on from Australia to India with no specific agenda but just surrendered to the moment. However things turned out a little different. Salvation came in the form of a woman who was to become Lance’s partner in an extraordinary romance and adventure. Her name was Marilyn and she too was preparing for a new phase of her life and in the throes of leaving her husband and family. The catalyst for them both was Barry Long, whom they both recognised as the source of their inspiration and love. What followed over the next ten years was a complete absorption of the truth with the master. They both travelled around the world for the privilege of being with Barry and his extraordinary teaching. In 1995 after an encounter with a hermit in Cornwall, Lance discovered a flair for reading the tarot and began a career which was to provide a living for the next couple of decades. He also became adept at reading palms and studied astrology with the support of Marilyn, herself a professional astrologer. From 1997 they moved north to the Lake District and lived in a cottage on the shores of Lake Ullswater. Here they published the book ‘The Myth of the Tarot’ and began writing an extensive catalogue on the principles of Astrology. They moved south after the foot and mouth epidemic decimated the tourist industry in the Lake District in 2001 and now live in the Shropshire countryside near Oswestry.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Великобритания, Шропшир-Каунти, Shrewsbury.

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Однофамильцы Lance Kelly


  • Kelly Sura
  • Германия, Bremen
  • 21 марта 1992




  • Kelly Junior
  • Ямайка, Spanish Town
  • 23 сентября 1970


  • Kelly Jack
  • Россия, Люберцы
  • 27 декабря 2001