Motoya Komori

Motoya Komori, Япония, Tokyo

Биография Motoya

Motoya Komori проживает в городе Tokyo, Япония. Рожден в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Motoya 27 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере.

Страна: Япония
Город: Tokyo
Родной город:
Возраст: 27 лет
Дата рождения: 13 апреля 1997
Знак зодиака: Овен, год Быка
Семейное положение: влюблён

Motoya пишет о себе

•Motoya Komori (Japanese: 古森 元也 Komori Motoya) is a libero at Itachiyama, and was featured as the #1 high school libero in Volleyball Monthly. •Appearance Komori is currently the tallest libero in the series, standing at 180cm tall. He has short, light-colored hair and thick eyebrows. •Personality Komori appears to have a friendly and outgoing personality. He encourages and admires other players at the training camp and strikes up a conversation with Kageyama when he sees him at nationals. •Preparation for Nationals Komori is invited to the All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp.[1] He is on Kageyama's team during a practice game and encourages him when he makes a mistake. Later, at lunch, he appears while Sakusa is interrogating Kageyama about how Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa and tells Kageyama to ignore him, commenting that Sakusa can be "a real downer." He explains the reasons behind Sakusa's behavior and apologizes for the intrusion as they part ways. Later, during another practice game, Komori notes Kageyama's ability to calmly respond to and deliver on spikers' requests and calls it "terrifying." He's also vocally impressed by Hoshiumi's jumping ability. In the last practice game, where the players switch up positions, Komori plays as a wing spiker.[3] When he leaves the camp, he waves goodbye to Kageyama with a smile. •Nationals Komori greets Kageyama at nationals and when Kageyama asks if Sakusa is with him, he points out Sakusa in the corner, avoiding the crowd.[4] •Relationships •Sakusa Kiyoomi Komori is on the same team as Sakusa and often teases him about how cautious he is, calling him "a real downer" and commenting that a lot of the time he's imagining his physical ailments. However, Komori also admits that he thinks it's not bad to be cautious about these kinds of things, and he clearly understands Sakusa very well, suggesting that they are close.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Япония, префектура Токио, Tokyo.

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Однофамильцы Motoya Komori


  • Komori Yui
  • Япония, Tokyo
  • 26 сентября 1998


  • Komori Yui
  • Япония, Tokyo
  • 12 января 1999




  • Komori Yui
  • США, Los Angeles
  • 19 ноября 2004