Gajendra Mani

Gajendra Mani, Индия, Lucknow

Биография Gajendra

Gajendra Mani проживает в городе Lucknow, Индия. Родной город - Lucknow. Рожден в год Петуха по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Козерог. В настоящий момент Gajendra 31 год, не женат.

Страна: Индия
Город: Lucknow
Родной город: Lucknow
Возраст: 31 год
Дата рождения: 1 января 1993
Знак зодиака: Козерог, год Петуха
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Gajendra пишет о себе

I have several dimensions to my personality. Some days I'm happy and carefree, then some days I will drive myself crazy thinking about something. I can't be mean to anyone, I just don't have it in me. People tend to take advantage of that. I am a homebody. I like to stay very close to my family and friends. I am very proud of my lack of spiritual beliefs, simply because it took me a long time to come to terms with my current knowledge. I will stand up for it, because I have learned more about religion in the past year as an atheist than I have my whole Hindu life. I didn't just wake up and decide I wanted to be an atheist. I actually started to read and put the story in my brain as a whole, and that is when I realized that it was just a story. I have a greater understanding and appreciation of the world and the universe now. I now look at life differently and I don't count on a deity to give me what I need or want out of life. I live my life for me and my family. I am a strong believer in science. Science and religion simply cannot coexist. Don't try to judge me, because you'll probably get me all wrong. I don't care if people are gay, straight, white, black, hispanic, asian, etc. It just doesn't matter to me... I believe that character is open for judgement, but not race, religion or sexual preference. I am still open to stereotypical jokes on anyone, except the tasteless and immature. I think that keeping these kinds of jokes obsolete, we aren't teaching the beauty of laughing at ourselves. Cancelling them out just teaches people to be insecure about yourself. The truth is, everybody has a stereotype, and we are all different , so to laugh at yourself in a clean and mature way every once in a while is not wrong, it is healthy. I am the lonliness in crowd... I am the sorrow in happiness... I am the shortness in long... I am the one who is shouting at silence... I am the spark in your eyes Well i don't know much else than my name...i.e.gajendra... now u tell me WHO AM I??? ...................................


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Индия, штат Уттар-Прадеш, Lucknow.

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Однофамильцы Gajendra Mani


  • Mani Deborah
  • Швейцария, Ober-Wolfhausen
  • 4 сентября 1977


  • Mani Chacha
  • Пакистан, Multan
  • 17 ноября 1990


  • Mani Sameh
  • Алжир, Batna
  • 2 января 1986


  • Mani Salman
  • Пакистан, Lahore
  • 27 июля 1990