Toussaint Ndayegamiye

Toussaint Ndayegamiye, Канада, Ottawa

Биография Toussaint

Toussaint Ndayegamiye проживает в городе Ottawa, Канада. Родной город - Orleans. Рожден в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Скорпион. В настоящий момент Toussaint 36 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: Канада
Город: Ottawa
Родной город: Orleans
Возраст: 36 лет
Дата рождения: 1 ноября 1988
Знак зодиака: Скорпион, год Дракона
Семейное положение:

Toussaint пишет о себе

​Born on All-Saints Day November 1st, 1988 in Bujumbura, Burundi at 1:11am. Born under the Chinese Zodiac of the Earth Dragon and the Star sign of Scorpio (Scorpion/Eagle/Phoenix). In my childhood I temporarily moved to Italy to live with my mother's uncle for several months to avoid being killed in the genocide that was taken place in Burundi and Rwanda. As seen in the Don Cheadle movie, Hotel Rwanda. I eventually moved to Ottawa, Canada when my father was elected Ambassador of Burundi to Canada. In Canada I developed a love for martial arts by watching martial arts movies such as Enter the Dragon and Mortal Kombat. Oh and who could forget my love for the Power Rangers! I eventually decided to start taking Martial Arts classes. I started with Jujitsu and was trained by the famous Iceman, it reminded me of Sub-Zero so that was always interesting. Later I tried Ninjutsu, Aikido, Fang Shen Do, Jeet Kune Do and Taekwondo. Besides Martial Arts, I also enjoy doing remixes of popular songs, or covers for well known songs, but also making brand new original music and short concept clips of new songs. In 2008 I developed an interest in popular conspiracy theories, and eventually decided to write fictional books about them. In studying conspiracy theories, I also gained an interest in the supernatural. With this interest, in 2016 I eventually discovered that I had telekinetic and electrokinetic abilities. At this moment they are quite weak and thus I can only move small objects that require very little force to move. As for the electrokinesis, it is also in its beginning stages, as I can only safely absorb deadly levels of high voltage. The goal is to eventually learn how to generate the voltage on my own and not need to absorb it from an outside source. On my pages you will find some video demonstrations of such telekinetic and electrokinetic abilities. It is not much at this moment, but I suppose it is better than nothing. Please note that I encourage the practice of telekinesis/psychokinesis but not electrokinesis, as electrokinesis can be quite dangerous and fatal. Please do not try to copy me and or anyone else that practices electrokinesis, WARNING, such practices could be fatal. My first book "Star-King and the Amazons," is inspired by popular Anunnaki and Illuminati conspiracies. Though within it also contains many elements of my imagination to make it more interesting and engaging. The first book will be published in a few months, and the following years look forward to my second book, "Elia my Extraterrestrial Lover." The second book takes place in an alternate dimension than the first book and is not necessarily a sequel despite both books being connected. The second book will also explore popular Anunnaki and Illuminati conspiracies, but with its own twists derived from my imagination to make it more interesting. My third book will be called "Tellus the Story of the Human Race" and is connected to the first 2 books, but not necessarily a sequel to either one. The third book will also have similar themes as the first two books, but will be unique. In it I will also try to give hints on how to develop supernatural abilities such as telekinesis and telepathy. The first two books also have such hints, but in the third book I will try to be more obvious and direct.​ Stay tuned to find out the exact release dates of my new books and new invention (I have a new revolutionary invention in the works). As I improve in my magickal practices, I will post new videos to showcase my improvements. I will also continue to work on my music, so that is one more reason to stay in touch with my pages. Please support my efforts to inspire humanity and help it find new ways of thinking.


Martial Arts, Fitness, Music, Acting, Writing and Inventing


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Канада, провинция Онтарио, Ottawa.

Среднее образование:

Работа и карьера:


2saint Creations, Канада, Ottawa

Producer and Artist

Годы работы: с 2018

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31 Records, США, Los Angeles

Recruiting and Musical Artist

Годы работы: с 2019 по 2019

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