Katherine Pierce (Petrova)

Katherine Pierce (Petrova), США, Mystic

Биография Katherine

Katherine Pierce проживает в городе Mystic, США. Родной город - Bǎlgariya. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Petrova. Знак зодиака Близнецы.

Страна: США
Город: Mystic
Родной город: Bǎlgariya
Дата рождения: 5 июня
Знак зодиака: Близнецы
Семейное положение: в отношениях
партнер по отношениям: Stefan SaÎvatore, родился 5 ноября, знак зодиака Скорпион

Katherine пишет о себе

Katherine Pierce, born Katerina Petrova (Bulgarian: Катерина Петрова) was a witch of the Traveler sub-culture and one of the main characters of The Vampire Diaries. She was also the second-known doppelgänger of Amara and a former vampire. She was the main antagonist of Season One (mostly off-screen through John Gilbert's and Isobel's actions, as both were working for her in order to kill off the tomb vampires), and one of the main antagonists of the second season, the second half of the fourth season and the first half of the fifth season. After giving birth to a baby girl out of wedlock when she was seventeen in 1490 and being forced to give the baby up for adoption, she was disowned by her father for the shame she brought her family. She was then exiled to England, where she quickly assimilated into her new culture and met two nobleman brothers, Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson. At first, she was attracted to both men, but in time, she eventually learned that she was a Petrova doppelgänger and that Klaus was planning on using her as a sacrifice in order to break the curse that bound his werewolf side. She sabotaged his plan by running away with the moonstone, which bound the curse, and then tricked Rose into feeding her her blood so she could turn herself into a vampire. Because Katherine was no longer human, her blood no longer was a viable component of the ritual to undo the curse. Klaus was so infuriated with Katherine's sabotage, that she was forced to live on the run for over 500 years as he hunted her down. Though Katherine should have died after Silas completely drained her of blood, Katherine's survivor instincts won out, and she managed to live through the attack. Unfortunately for Katherine, she learned shortly afterward that having the cure removed from her bloodstream had caused her body to start rapidly aging in order to compensate for the 500+ years she had been "alive" as an immortal vampire. Not ready to die, her daughter Nadia reminded her that as the daughter of a Traveler, Katherine had the magical powers necessary to become a Passenger in someone else's body. She ultimately cast the Passenger spell on her deathbed to transfer her spirit into Elena's body, with help from Nadia and a Traveler named Mia. After the gang discovered this, Stefan stabbed her with the Traveler knife, expelling her from Elena's body, but not before Katherine made amends with a dying Nadia. Upon learning she was denied entry to the Other Side, and therefore also denied a reunion with her daughter, she was dragged by unseen forces into what is presumed to be a hell of some kind. Born: June 5, 1473 (Bulgaria, Age 18/538)__ Family information__ Family: Amara † (Progenitor Of, Distant Ancestor) Amara's Family and Relatives † (Distant Ancestors) Tatia † (Doppelgänger Of, Ancestor) Tatia's Family and Relatives † (Ancestors) Tatia's Unnamed Child † (Ancestor) Mr. Petrov † (Father) Mrs. Petrova † (Mother) Unnamed Younger Sister † Nadia Petrova † (Daughter) Nadia's Child † (Grandchild) Isobel Flemming † (Descendant) Elena Gilbert (Doppelgänger, Descendant) -------------------------------------------------- Physical appearance: Height 5'7" Hair color Brown Eye color Brown ------------------------------------------- Last seen: 500 Years of Solitude (Actual Physical Appearance/Possessing Elena Gilbert) The Devil Inside (Possessing Elena Gilbert/Corpse) Gone Girl (Possessing Elena Gilbert/Spirit) While You Were Sleeping (Hallucination)




* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, Mystic.

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Однофамильцы Katherine Pierce




  • Pierce Aiden
  • Украина, Днепропетровск (Днепр)
  • 3 января 1998




  • Pierce Moses
  • Нидерланды, Amsterdam
  • 1 января 1985