Milene Pilipovich

Milene Pilipovich, США

Биография Milene

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Milene пишет о себе

From outdoors in a natural hot spring, running in the trees barefoot, feeling the softness of the forest bed. To wanting to bitch slap stupid people, I am what I am and I refuse to change for a corrupt government whose only goal is to own the power of the world. Personally, tyranny doesn't scare me, its the idiots that buy into the propaganda of control to its people. I know why my father left Yugoslavia and what he hoped to find. Sadly he didn't find it here, amid our corruption.


Anything that has an artistic factor. Graffiti, textiles, music. Beauty can be found all around us if we quiet our minds. It is always seen, but to "feel the beauty", one must open their soul to vulnerability and acceptance--this is solace all wrapped up into a child like wonder

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Однофамильцы Milene Pilipovich







