Romey Proster

Romey Proster, США, Albuquerque

Биография Romey

Romey Proster проживает в городе Albuquerque, США. Родной город - Albuquerque. Семейное положение Romey: не замужем.

Страна: США
Город: Albuquerque
Родной город: Albuquerque
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Romey пишет о себе

Well this is going to be a rant: I am for sure a woman stuck in a girl's life. I am just trying to get out of middle school so that I can work on just getting out of high school so that I can just work on getting out of college so that I can just stop hearing my parents say, "you need to study hard so you can get into a good university and get a degree!" I am ALSO tired of them rating all of my friends to see which ones will be good for me and which ones won't. I know I am young and I will make mistakes with this. But OMG, let me make those mistakes!!! I look at the people my parents hung out with in high school and, surprise-surprise, One ended up in prison for murder and one is still working at the same grocery store she and my dad worked at together in high school. Dad and Uncle tell me not to grow up too quick. They are always saying "Don't give yourself to the 1st boy who pays any attention to you." OOOPS Too Late! Dad, if you ever find this and read this, it was NOT the very 1st boy. It was Jarrett Hodur when I was almost 11 (BTW: He was one of the boys you really liked)


Photography, Poetry, Fashion Design, Jewelry, Erotic stories (LOL!), Men!!! Not boys... MEN. What can I say? I like older guys! Hard to find one who is just as interested in me because of my age... But hey you older Guys, if you are CUTE, nice and not some weirdo pedophile (What I mean by that is don't be attracted to prepube girls ) I am looking and MIGHT be willing to see what happens! I am not a slut and I am very picky so don't think I am an easy sure thing!!!!


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Нью-Мексико, Albuquerque.

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