Rick Rankin, Канада, Stoney Creek

Биография Rick

Rick Rankin проживает в городе Stoney Creek, Канада. Родной город - Thorold.

Страна: Канада
Город: Stoney Creek
Родной город: Thorold
Дата рождения:
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Rick пишет о себе

Me? I'm a researcher/Truth Warrior. I'm have a lot of exciting things going on.. My head is a ware house of knowledge on secrets behind the system. I have a deep thirst for knowledge. How to take complex information and deliver that information in the way everyone will understand.


(1)A discovery of who are we? and To understand our true relationship with the universe. (2)The hidden design of reality. (Everything is an illusion as perceived by our 5 scenes.) (1) Ancient History, the pyramids, The falling of man. (2) Earths Transformation (can't evolve) (3) Deep Meditation, (free your mind.) (4) Consciousness, the stars, the universe. (5) Other worlds beyond. (6) Light beings from the other side, the art of channeling, contact. Teachings from the higher dimensions. UFOs. Mother ships. Different species (7) Spirituality in it's deepest form. the dark and the light. What is it? (8) Higher dimensions. (9) The God Force (10) Electromagnetic energy. (11) Crop circles, abductees. Listen to them. They are trying to tell us something. See what they have to say. (12) Laws of creation. (13) Universal laws. (14) Mass Global movement I represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. What limits will you push consciousness to new possibilities. Push consciousness to the extreme.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Канада, провинция Онтарио, Stoney Creek.

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