Aaron Well

Aaron Well, США, Austin

Биография Aaron

Aaron Well проживает в городе Austin, США. Семейное положение Aaron: не женат.

Страна: США
Город: Austin
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Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Aaron пишет о себе

Rocker ElectroHead Music Fanatic Activist Existentialist Unrealist Idealist Dreamer Artist favorite Food: unknown food Im looking for a girl to marry, and start a family with I don't smoke cigarettes, or indulge in any kind of mind altering substances (except for a a few beers from time to time.usually with friends rarely alone) I love to learn about different philosophies, history, and almost every other thing you can come up with to define what the universe is or isn't. Im searching high and low for a woman of substantial qualities,someone who likes me for who i am,doesnt want to change me. I want to meet a woman who is unique, so If I contact you on here, then it is because I would like learn about the inner cogs and gears that make you run.Maybe serious,maybe not. How far that develops is completely up to how we clash and mingle.The sky's the limit. In my spare time I enjoy learning how to cook new entrees and dishes from all over the globe. This goes hand in hand with my philosophy in knowing and controlling exactly what goes into my body mentally and physically. I’m also a huge audiophile with a vinyl collection spanning every music genre and an extensive knowledge of hundreds of artists. I often like to check out new art exhibits, plays, and new restaurants in Austin. Limiting myself to routines and habits have never been a fault of mine. Psychology and social sciences interest me greatly, and I spend a lot of time reading books published by professors and scholars on the subject of human behavior. Taking apart electronics and simple machines has always been a fascination of mine since childhood, and more recently its developed into an extensive hobby. I now regularly spend time trying to modify cellphones, computers, and any electronic devices I can get my hands on.Learning about one subject simply helps expand your perspective on another. My short term and long term goals: -build a close group of people in my life who are the equivalent of a family -create art -open minds -free souls First Date How bout you come over and I cook dinner while we talk,and get to know each other.But we could also always go to a coffee shop,walking one of the many greenbelts Austin has to offer,or maybe go to a improv comedy show?


I like to do alot.watch Doctor Who & anime, check out comedy acts, play with computers, try new cooking recipes, find new cult films, twiddle with gadgets, learn new hacking techniques, watch improv, read and ponder philosophy, listen to music and rock out, munch on some sushi, bang some techno


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Техас, Austin.

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Однофамильцы Aaron Well


  • Well Very
  • США, Los Angeles
  • 16 февраля


  • Well Max
  • Украина, Новомосковск
  • 14 мая 1999




  • Well Milana
  • Россия, Москва
  • 15 мая 1991